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Casting a 17 inch Bowie Knife

Video Tutorial

As part of a YouTube casting challenge, I was tasked with making a large knife. Well for me that meant only one thing, a Bowie Knife. I decided to make a seventeen inch knife - a twelve inch blade and a five inch handle- video below...

I decided to cast it using the Lost Foam Casting technique. The basic shape was cut from extruded foam and this one then cast into aluminium. This was lightly cleaned up with a grinder before a clip point and false edge were added. I used a bit of scrap brass to form a guard and a little oak made beautiful handles.

All in all I was very pleased with the result. For me is was a wonderful replica of the classic blade design.

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damn nice build! I am glad that there are still other people out there that were taught that if somethings worth doing then its worth doing right!

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